The last couple weeks have been very exciting in our new adoption journey. We have had our home study meetings with our social worker, we have been to a couple different adoption meetings to learn more about both sides of the adoption process. In these meetings we were able to hear others stories, fears and concerns as well as share our own story. It was really fun to have a platform to speak about our amazing story to couples that are truly interested. Then, just today, our good friend finished editing our profile video. Check it out here!
It's crazy that all of a sudden we are right around the corner from being a waiting family again. We always know that when we are in the midst of things saying, how is this all coming together so well, that it is God's plan. It's exciting to think of our future birth-mother and wonder where she is in her journey right now. We really pray for a hedge of protection around her, as this may be a scary time.
Please continue to pray for all of us as we come to this new stage in our story.
David & Leah
I love this video! I know the right birth mom will see it and instantly fall in love with yall. I can not wait to meet the lucky baby who gets you as parents! Thanks for keeping the blog updated. XOXO