Friday, March 9, 2012

Phase 2

The next step on our Jouney was to visit Dr. Mersol-Barg in Birmingham, MI. Dr. Mersol-Barg is an excellent doctor, and after making sure that everything was okay with David, he put us on the typical treatment for PCOS. After several months, and a few different rounds of therapy, David took his job with Bank of America in Chicago. Being several hours apart obviously makes conception a little more difficult. We would try when we could, but it was impossible to follow any set protocols.

After being laid off from the bank, and returning to Michigan, many of you know this is when David had all of his medical issues. If any don't know, David had some major complications to surgery, and spend 40 days in the ICU. He woke up to find that he had kidney failure, two pulmonary emboli, sepsis, not too mention he had lost just about all of his strength. He could not even lift his arms to touch his face. Needless to say, it was a long journey back, but in March of 2010 was when David really started to look and act like himself again. Today, David is pretty much back to normal. His kidney's have fully recoverd, as have his lungs, his heart, and just about everything else... just about... One of the few remnants of David's complications is that he will never be able to father children.  Enter Phase 3

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